At Provatalo24, we believe in delivering quality journalism to our readers while ensuring a seamless and respectful advertising experience. Our advertisement policy outlines the principles and guidelines that govern our advertising practices to maintain the highest standards of integrity, relevance, and user experience.

1. Advertising Integrity:

  • We are committed to maintaining the utmost integrity in our advertising content. All advertisements must comply with ethical standards and applicable laws and regulations.

2. Relevance and User Experience:

  • Advertisements on our website should be relevant to our audience and enhance the user experience.
  • We strive to provide a clutter-free and non-intrusive environment for our readers, ensuring that advertisements do not disrupt the flow of content.

3. Transparency:

  • We clearly label all advertisements as such to distinguish them from editorial content. Our readers should easily recognize and differentiate between ads and articles.

4. Ad Format and Design:

  • Advertisements should be well-designed and visually appealing, respecting our website's aesthetics.
  • We offer various ad formats to suit advertisers' needs, including display ads, sponsored content, and native advertising.

5. Advertiser Responsibility:

  • Advertisers are responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of their advertisements. Misleading or false advertising is strictly prohibited.
  • Advertisers must adhere to industry standards and best practices in terms of data privacy and security.

6. Acceptable Advertisers:

  • We reserve the right to reject or remove advertisements from advertisers or products that conflict with our values, ethics, or editorial policy.
  • Advertisements promoting hate speech, discrimination, or harmful products will not be accepted.

7. Sponsored Content:

  • Sponsored content should be clearly identified as such and provide value to our readers. It should not compromise the integrity of our journalism.
  • We maintain editorial control over the placement and presentation of sponsored content.

8. Frequency and Placement:

  • We manage the frequency and placement of advertisements to maintain a balanced and engaging reading experience.

9. Privacy and Cookies:

  • We respect user privacy and adhere to relevant data protection laws. Advertisers are expected to comply with our privacy and cookie policies.

10. Feedback and Concerns: - We encourage our readers to provide feedback and report any concerns related to advertisements. We take user feedback seriously and investigate any reported issues promptly.

11. Continuous Improvement: - We continuously evaluate and improve our advertisement policy to align with industry standards and evolving user preferences.

At Provatalo24, we consider our readers' trust to be of paramount importance. Our commitment to ethical advertising practices ensures that we deliver a trusted and enjoyable reading experience to our audience.

For inquiries or to discuss advertising opportunities, please contact our advertising department at or +88

Thank you for choosing Provatalo24 as your platform for advertising. We look forward to partnering with you to reach our engaged and informed readership.